Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Radio Interview

Here's a link to recent radio interview Liz and I had. I haven't listened to it and I'm not sure if I ever will but you should and if I sound more smart than a fool let me know and maybe I'll give it a chance.


Monday, October 12, 2009

"Muddle" Progression I, a self-portrait, and the DepARTment Store

I know it doesn't look like much now, but just give it a chance!

Also, a self-portrait I just finished. I think it's kinda neat:

Also also, I guess our studio is called the "DepARTment Store" now, because it used to be a department store back in the 70's and hasn't been anything else since. We put the ART in department store. That doesn't make much sense but whatever. There are now seven, count 'em SEVEN, artists in the space. A lot of energy is circulating which is really nice to feed off of. Delicious, in fact. Here's the space as of today:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cuddle II

The second of the "Cuddle" paintings.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Self-portrait progress II and new Meat painting

I don't know if the meat painting is quite finished yet, but it's close.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

New Progress Shots

Ken in Repose:


Friday, September 4, 2009


So here's something a little different than what I normally paint. Lately I've been struggling to find inspiration and was getting really freaking frustrated until I got a job as a meat clerk at a local supermarket. After about a week working there, I found myself suddenly inspired by the colors and textures that I saw in the meat and became eager to make a meat painting. I wasn't so much trying to make a still-life, but instead wanted to create forms that suggest meat, throw paint thickly onto a surface and make something tactile and really interesting to look at. Here's the first of these paintings and I have a couple more on the way:

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Davenport's 2 new artists-in-residence get a big public studio

Here's another little write-up about the residency. Click on ME!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Press Release

Here's a little tidbit about the residency program. Click right HERE to see.

El Diablo II

Sunday, August 2, 2009

German Santa Satan

I've run out of types of corn to share with you (NOOOOO!!!) but I have found something, believe it or not, more interesting. There's this crazy German dude who looks like Santa and calls himself "El Diablo" who makes the nuttiest bikes you will ever see! For the next several days if I don't have anything very interesting to share with you in regards to my experiences I'll post one of his schaffungen. Here's the first:

I like this guy.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Bucktown Art Show

Heyo! Just got back from the Bucktown art party/show that Liz and I were in, and I'm pleased to report it was a success! We both sold a piece and had some pleasant discussions with very lovely people. Business cards were exchanged, stories told, tummies rubbed. Here's the space we were in:

As you can see it was a great spot, and I only wish I had more work to show! I had a splendid time and I'm sorry to say that if you were planning on buying "C U D D L E," well, that baby's been sold. Actually, there were three separate parties interested in purchasing the painting, so I guess now I know what sells. You might be seeing a lot more paintings of couples cuddling with their doggies.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Worky Work

To tell you the truth, I've been very frustrated with the work I've been doing here. I think starting off on the wrong foot by working on canvas kind of set things in motion, not to mention that my brain has been snoozing for the past month or so. I just gotta get back into the right state of mind, which is happening a little more every day.

I finished this pretty ugly painting today, entitled "The Happy American Family," which is the first color image I've done in my series relating to the disintegration of the American family (if you don't know what I'm talking about click HERE to read my artist's statement). I didn't use color in the most effective way with this, in fact I was kind of lazy, and I think my drawings are stronger when they're just the line work on white paper. Here it be:

I would definitely like to do some large paintings on the subject, but lately painting hasn't been working out, however, I think I may have had a breakthrough today with this little fella:

It's a different method from what I'm used to as far as painting goes, but actually is similar to how I did my old oil pastels, which were on black paper. So with this painting I laid down a black ground and painted on top of that, allowing me to bring some line into my paintings. Line is something that I've felt my paintings have been lacking and I've been trying to find the best and most enjoyable way to introduce it, and I think this may be it. I like the feel and I am eager to do more landscapes, townscapes, figures, etc. in this way.

One more thing, I have a new idea. It stems from a running gag between the people I've met out here that Liz and I can paint anything we want except for naked people God forbid. I'm not exactly sure how serious they are, and I wasn't planning on doing any naked people anyway, but today I got the idea that it might be fulfilling to pursue this avenue of nudity. Actually, it involves porn. That is all I'll say for now.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pod Corn

Pod corn isn't grown commercially, but it is used in studying the origin of corn. It resembles varieties of the primitive corns. Every kernel is enclosed in a pod and the whole ear is also enclosed in a husk.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Art Supplies!

Oh yes, the supplies came in today. 'Twas like Christmas in July! Or Chanukkah in my case. Actually it was Christmas AND Chanukkah in July for me, yahaaa! We got an assortment of oil paint, several brushes, and a BUTTLOAD of turp. We also got some long rectangular canvases and some art boards. There was also a little Mexican baby. Joy!

There's also a picture of my studio set-up. It's a work in progress. I'd like to eventually get some lounge furniture so I can have friends and whoever come over and hang out, maybe smoke some opium.

Some Drawrings

Monday, July 27, 2009


Man, am I rusty with the painting and what-nots. I was a little frustrated with how this was going, but it actually doesn't look too bad (I actually like how it looks like the one dude smashing his face looks to be armbarring a big hunk of cow meat; reminds me of Francis Bacon a little bit, if I may be so bold). It's okay, I'm remembering how I paint and I'll get it. I will say this, I think I'm getting faster, though. I'm trying to get three new paintings done by this Friday for a party at Bucktown art gallery in Davenport, where Liz and I will be introduced to the artistic community, along with some of our work. Pictures will be taken and shared with you beautiful people of course.

Bix Pix

Here's those pics of the Bix I said I would share with you as promised. It was quite the event, a little like Comic-Con with the costumes. Everything from a dude in a kilt to the party-pope:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Waxy Corn

These kernels appear waxy. Chemically, it has a different type of starch than normal corn starch. It was developed in China, and some waxy mutations have occurred in American dent strains. Very little is grown, and that which is is used for producing a starch similar to tapioca starch.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Illinois Loves Poop

I started three more paintings today, and will most likely scrap the one I posted yesterday; it just isn't doing it for me. I didn't take pics of the new ones cuz my camera died, but I'll take them tomorrow.

Today was also the big Bix race, but I'm too tired and impatient to upload the pics and videos I took, so I'll do that tomorrow.

I also went for a nice little family trip to a nice little town in nice little Illinois, of which I forget the name. Ate some food, walked around, and discovered Illinois is bonkers for poop! Observe:

Oh yeah! That's my kind of place! Now I must bid you adieu. Nighty night.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Finally, a New Painting!

Ahhh, thank Jeebus. Here's the first two progress shots. This isn't the first thing I wanted to work on, but I just needed to get started on something and get my painting legs back again. Only about seven weeks until the first show. Gotta start makin' something, ya heard?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day One of the Bix

So I started the day off with finishing the floor of my studio, a project that became an obsession, but I'm happy with the results. Check ma style:

Afterwards Liz and I went to the pool and relaxed and chatted about artsy fartsy things. Then it was time to head downtown to check out the Brady Street Uphill Sprint Challenge and get some free beer and Twinkies. It was a nice kick-off event to the Bix with an outdoor party which had a live band playing old, parents music. Here's some pics and videos of the whole dealio:

Hm, based on these pictures this looks like a pretty lame party of about five people, but there were actually a lot more humans behind me. I guess I thought these made better pictures.

The guy bending over had just gotten kicked in the balls by the other guy in the white shirt talking to the lady in black, whom I assume is their mama. I was hoping to catch his ball-kicking retaliation, but lady said "nay" to that. Darn.

And here's some high schoolers running their asses off.