Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bix Mania!

Ooh it's about to get CRAZY all up in the Quad Cities, dawgs! An internationally renowned seven mile run, known as the Bix7, is this weekend in downtown Davenport, accompanied by fun and activities for the whole family, so it should be a pretty neato time. The festivities start tomorrow and go until Sunday I think, so I'll make it a point to get some pictures. Actually the starting line of the race is literally right outside the studio, so I'll see thousands of runners run by. I wonder if the ground will rumble. I'll definitely have to get a video of that; it's going to be EXACTLY like the stampede scene in The Lion King, but hopefully no one will die. Ha ha morbid. Here's a link to what the Bix is all aboot:

I also met Bill Rodgers tonight at a fancy-schmancy Bix dinner, who I understand to be a legendary runner. Let's check Wikipedia here:

Oh yeah, he's famous alright. Cool beans! He was a very friendly guy; pretty quirky, too. I liked the cut of his sleeve. Here are some pictures of him just for the heck of it:

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